Freestyle Digital Media

UNTOGETHER: An Introspective Rom-Com

If you’re searching for a romantic comedy that focuses more on the muddy journey versus a mirage of perfection, Untogether might be the one for you.

REACH: A Thoroughly Teen Movie
REACH: A Thoroughly Teen Movie

Given its clear desire to say something urgent about urgent things – given, that is, its sincerity – it’s hard to completely dismiss Reach.

BETTER START RUNNING: Intriguing Cast Wasted In A Meandering Road Caper
BETTER START RUNNING: Intriguing Cast Wasted In A Meandering Road Caper

Better Start Running feels like a cliched indie – fitted head to toe with an ever-present oddball ensemble cast – taking to the road for an adventure.

KILLER KATE!: A Horror Comedy Lacking In Both
KILLER KATE!: A Horror Comedy Lacking In Both

Killer Kate! is silly and toneless – although flawed, it may be the calling card for debut filmmaker Elliot Feld for more suitable projects to come.