
Nightstream Film Festival 2020: JUMB Finds Noémie Merlant In Love With An Amusement Park Ride
Nightstream Film Festival 2020: JUMBO: Noémie Merlant Falls In Love With An Amusement Park Ride

Those who bought tickets to see the woman-meets-ride romance won’t be disappointed but Jumbo has more on its mind.

London Film Festival 2020: WOLFWALKERS
London Film Festival 2020: WOLFWALKERS

In an era where hand-drawn animations are fewer and fewer, films like this one ought to be shouted from the rooftops and celebrated.

NYFF 2020: BEGINNING: The Triumphant Debut of Déa Kulumbegashvili
NYFF 2020: BEGINNING: The Triumphant Debut of Déa Kulumbegashvili

Déa Kulumbegashvili’s Beginning is guaranteed to linger uncomfortably in the back of your mind long after the end credits have rolled.

NYFF 2020: NIGHT OF THE KINGS: Storytelling Magic
NYFF 2020: NIGHT OF THE KINGS: Storytelling Magic

Night of the Kings explores how rituals, traditions, and stories can give people reasons to live even in the darkest times.


In a world that seems to be leaning more to authoritarian power and rule, we need documentaries such as The Monopoly of Violence.

THE HOLE: Looking for Connection in Isolation
THE HOLE: Looking for Connection in Isolation

With its flashes of humor and music, The Hole is a disturbingly timely depiction of humanity in crisis that speaks to our current isolation.

PROXIMA: The Stars Are Never Far Away
PROXIMA: The Stars Are Never Far Away

With Proxima, Winocour has left an indelible mark on cinematic space travel, by viewing it through a feminist lens and placing more emphasis on earth.

THE HALT: Lav Diaz in the Age of Pandemic
THE HALT: Lav Diaz in the Age of Pandemic

As society becomes twisted and distorted in our actual lives, The Halt from director Lav Diaz now feels like a prophetic tale.

A Quiet Joy: Resolution Outside Of Happy Endings
A Quiet Joy: Resolution Outside Of Happy Endings

A deeper look at the final moments of Moonlight and A Portrait of A Lady on Fire lead to a profound philosophy of acceptance applicable to everyday life.

GAME OF DEATH: Perfect Blend of Exploding Heads and Classic Video Game Aesthetics
GAME OF DEATH: Perfect Blend of Exploding Heads and Classic Video Game Aesthetics

Game of Death is a fun and gore-filled examination of horror and video game conventions that works well in its short runtime.

ALMAYER'S FOLLY: The Quiet Violence of Colonialism
ALMAYER’S FOLLY: The Quiet Violence of Colonialism

Almayer’s Folly is a movie that quietly but forcefully acknowledges Chantal Akerman’s feminism, accommodating the racial imbalances with equal space as the gender dynamics.

LOST BULLET: Too Relentless to Feel Humdrum
LOST BULLET: Too Relentless to Feel Humdrum

Guillaume Pierret’s Lost Bullet is a wannabe Mad Max that takes in pride in flaunting its no-nonsense action movie tag.

THE TRUTH: You Can't Trust Memory
THE TRUTH: You Can’t Trust Memory

The Truth is an impeccable and intimate view into the quietly tumultuous relationships between mothers and daughters and the shape they take into adulthood.

AVIVA: An Experimental Experience in Love
AVIVA: An Experimental Experience in Love

Boaz Yakin’s Aviva is an experience not just in the crafting of relationships, but what goes on behind the scenes.

NO HOME MOVIE: No Better Remembrance
NO HOME MOVIE: No Better Remembrance

Continuing her revolutionary depiction of real-time, No Home Movie epitomizes every quality that made Chantal Akerman’s cinema so groundbreaking.