
Evolving Beauty Standards: How Cinema Reflects and Shapes Body Image Over Decades
Evolving Beauty Standards: How Cinema Reflects and Shapes Body Image Over Decades

Beauty has been the focus of the film industry since the early 20th century. We take a look at how its changed through film over time.

You Are Here: Comedy in a Cosmic Revelation
YOU ARE HERE: Comedy in a Cosmic Revelation

Michael Friberg’s newest short, You Are Here, blends comedy and existentialism as one man grapples with the sheer scope of existence.

THE POWER OF FILM interview with Doug Pray and Laura Gabbert

Film Inquiry spoke with Doug Pray and Laura Gabbert, directors of THE POWER OF FILM.

Slamdance 2024: DARLA IN SPACE Interview With Co-writers/directors Eric Laplante and Susie Moon!
Slamdance Film Festival 2024: DARLA IN SPACE & WELCOME TO THE ENCLAVE

Darla in Space and Welcome to the Enclave are great examples of perfect programming with unexpected narratives. 


The 3-part series highlights her ambitious career in front of the camera and behind.

LYNCH/OZ: I Don’t Know Where We’re Going

Lynch/Oz is a very film 101 documentary, one which aims to open doors for the performer, lover, and cinema enigma that is Lynch.

Film Inquiry Roundtable Videocast #18: Favorite Pets
Film Inquiry Roundtable Videocast #18: Favorite Pets

This week we discuss our favorite pets in film and television!

Film Inquiry Roundtable Videocast #17: Favorite Siblings
Film Inquiry Roundtable Videocast #17: Favorite Siblings

For this roundtable, the group discusses their favorites siblings in movies/tv!

Film Inquiry Roundtable Videocast #16: Favorite Couples
Film Inquiry Roundtable Videocast #16: Favorite Couples

For this video roundtable, our team talks about their favorite film/tv couples!

NICHOLS AND MAY: Interviews (Conversations with Filmmakers Book Series)
NICHOLS AND MAY: INTERVIEWS (Conversations with Filmmakers Book Series)

For May & Nichols savants, as well as the newly initiated, this will propagate their legacies, giving us a deeper look into their individual outlooks.

Deus Ex Machina: Acceptable Coincidence or a Cop-out?
Deus Ex Machina: Acceptable Coincidence or a Cop-out?

Deus ex machina is a sign of lazy writing. Its implausibility takes advantage of the people who pay to see the work and it mocks their intelligence.

Actor Profile: Kirsten Dunst
Actor Profile: Kirsten Dunst

Film Inquiry’s Amanda Mazzillo takes a look back at the memorable career and essential films of actor Kirsten Dunst.

Actor Profile: Jim Carrey
Actor Profile: Jim Carrey

Film Inquiry’s Amanda Mazzillo takes a look back at the memorable career and essential films of actor Jim Carrey.

ALBERTO AND THE CONCRETE JUNGLE: A Symphonic Look At The Modern City
ALBERTO AND THE CONCRETE JUNGLE: A Symphonic Look At The Modern City

Part documentary, part staged, and full of heart, this love letter to the five boroughs of New York City is an enjoyable, chaotic watch.

How We Write About Black Lives And Cell Phone Video
How We Write About Black Lives & Cell Phone Video

We’ve seen a direct correlation between the use of cell phones and increased awareness of and civic response to police brutality against Black people.