
THE CLONE WARS (S7E4+5) "Unfinished Business" & "Gone With A Trace": Not The Jedi Way
THE CLONE WARS (S7E4+5) “Unfinished Business” & “Gone With A Trace”: Not The Jedi Way

While we’ve followed the bad batch for four episodes now, the reintroduction of Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi helps to signal to us that we’ve arrived at a new plotline.

CASTLEVANIA Season 3: A Season That Stands Strong
CASTLEVANIA Season 3: A Season That Stands Strong

Castlevania is just as exciting as any season that came before and raises the bar with one of the most shocking penultimate episodes of the entire show.

THE CLONE WARS (S7E3) "On the Wings of Keerdaks": The Great Escape
THE CLONE WARS (S7E3) “On the Wings of Keerdaks”: The Great Escape

The 3rd episode, “On The Wings of Keerdaks” was just a classic episode of Clone Wars with one thing on the agenda: get out alive. Let’s talk about it.

WHITE SNAKE: The Classic Myth + A Mesh of Hollywood Ideas
WHITE SNAKE 白蛇:緣起: The Classic Myth + A Mesh Of Hollywood Ideas

This telling of White Snake adds an action-fantasy plot to its romance story, and feels like a mesh of other fantasy films you’ve seen before.

THE CLONE WARS (S7E1+2) "The Bad Batch" & "A Distant Echo": We're Back!
THE CLONE WARS (S7E1+2) “The Bad Batch” & “A Distant Echo”: We’re Back!

Before I fell in love with Baby Yoda and the gunslinging world brought to us…

FANTASY ISLAND: A Holiday from Hell
FANTASY ISLAND: A Holiday From Hell

What should have been a sun-soaked blockbuster, Fantasy Island leaves us feeling shamelessly entertained and frustratingly ripped-off.

ONWARD: The Pixar Formula Loses a Little Magic
ONWARD: The Pixar Formula Loses A Little Magic

It’s Onward and downwards for Pixar, as their Dungeons and Dragons inspired latest is one of their most disposable efforts to date.

LOCKE & KEY SEASON 1: A Safe Yet Fun Dive Into A House Of Magic
LOCKE & KEY SEASON 1: A Safe Yet Fun Dive Into A House Of Magic

While it could have taken more risks, season one of Locke & Key gives us a feasible starting point for what could be a flourishing new fantasy series.

GRETEL & HANSEL: Unique, Stylish & Muddled Remix Of A Classic Fable
GRETEL & HANSEL: Unique, Stylish & Muddled Remix Of A Classic Fable

Gretel & Hansel is conceptually a clever spin on a story we all know, but when that spin fails at generating scares or digging up much in the way of completely novel insight, it’s hard to know what to get out of the experience.

CHILLING ADVENTURES OF SABRINA Season 3: A Bloated Third Venture To Hell & Back
CHILLING ADVENTURES OF SABRINA Season 3: A Bloated Third Venture To Hell & Back

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina didn’t quite deliver on all fronts, deploying more inspiration from Riverdale — a decision that ultimately backfires.

THE GOOD PLACE Season 4: A Forking Perfect Closure
THE GOOD PLACE Season 4: A Forking Perfect Closure

With the series now concluded, if there’s one thing that The Good Place has taught us is that we shouldn’t give up on trying to be better.

WEATHERING WITH YOU: Romantic Fantasy Planted In Reality

Shinkai’s Weathering With You is more than content to face the onslaught with the naive fantasies of youth. He’s unabashed about giving himself over to them totally.

Sundance 2020: NINE DAYS:

Nine Days is Brazilian director Edson Oda’s feature debut, and he is off to an amazing start with this beautiful, meditative film.

ZOMBI CHILD: An Eerily Gorgeous Reclamation Of The Soul
ZOMBI CHILD: An Eerily Gorgeous Reclamation Of The Soul

As aloof and occasionally frustrating as the film may appear to be, Zombi Child is an eerie yet beautiful tale of coming-of-age and vodou.

DOLITTLE: A Dull Attempt At Capturing The Magic Of A Fantastical Story
DOLITTLE: A Dull Attempt At Capturing The Magic Of A Fantastical Story

Dolittle is what happens when you take a story with potential but fail to make it interesting or entertaining.