Dusty & Me is a greyhound leap ahead of similar films that have come before but as dog tales go it can’t quite keep the company of classic animal epics – it’s not quite that memorable.
With its dedicated cast, some awe-inspiring cinematography, and a gripping survival story at its center, Alpha is a far better film than one would expect to find.
Incredibles 2, while being entertaining in its own right, often feels like a film with a conflicting message, and one that gets muddled up in the process.
We the Animals is an undeniably moving film, but one whose emotional power is curbed by its similarity to other notable US indies of recent years, failing to rise out of the shadows.
With more than enough to keep the story moving, Three Identical Strangers is a compelling documentary that keeps the tale moving quickly through twists and turns.
Elena Miliaresis’ documentary While Time Stands Still tells the story of the hardships of military families – Laurie Agard considers the psychological aspects.
Certainly a crowd pleaser, Zoo is light and easy, yet lacks a certain depth for its subject matter, despite its talented cast, that will leave you wanting more.