With innocent characters and a basic plot, the beauty and simplicity of The Nightmare Before Christmas has helped it stand the test of time.
What Will People Say is a brutal yet powerful study of the effects of subjugation on a young woman in a highly patriarchal society.
The Big Sick is not another run-of-the-mill rom-com: it’s got heart, humor, a touching story, and a refreshing take of immigrant life.
With The Devil’s Candy, provocative Australian director Sean Byrne proves he is one of the best genre filmmakers working today.
Though its feel-good sentiments are hard to resist, there are simply too many tonal and structural issues that hold LION back from greatness.
Imagine you are given a TV remote that has the power to transport you into another dimension and back in time. Imagine you accidentally allow the remote to do it. Well, that’s exactly what happens in the 1998 film Pleasantville.