Another Life is a unique space drama, but unfortunately it fails to be an immersive experience like that of the genres it draws from.
It was kind of odd coming of age in the early 2010’s and seeing these ultra-fantastic teen stories, yet Palo Alto proved to be in a league all its own.
Alex Lines spoke with Bryan Brown about Palm Beach, his personal connection to the secluded slice of paradise, and what Rachel Ward brought to the film as a director.
Blinded by the Light is a fabulous ode to the power of music, and how our favourite artists come to define our lives.
Upheld by two zestful leads, and polished production design, Lying and Stealing is almost the real thing, but oversells its value.
Despite the dwindling ending, Sword of Trust still manages please us with delightful and memorable performances from a talented cast.
Palm Beach lacks a sense of purpose – that despite it brimming with a number of winning personalities, its just a shame that the film they’re in lacks one itself.
Luce is a fascinating and thrilling study of gender, race and identity with compelling performances from the cast. Brent Goldman reviews.
Even if another never gets made, Running Scared deserves to be considered a great one-off in the world of vulgar auteurism.
Ash Is Purest White is a masterpiece of time and alienation. Aaron Berry examines the ways time affects the characters.
The Art Of Self-Defense is a dark, sharp and poignant take on the current gender roles and expectations in society.
Orange Is The New Black was never pitch perfect, but it hit enough high notes to make it count. Farewell, Ladies of Litchfield.
Bottom of the 9th may be plagued with a slow moving plot, it does have the characteristics of what makes a compelling sports drama.
Surviving Confession is very much a lively indie taking place in a lifelessly cramped setting, while bluntly speaking some commendable verities of being human.