
The Clone Wars (S7E12): The End
The Clone Wars (S7E12): The End

The Clone Wars starts off in the light and ends in the dark. The show ends in an exhale, without a post-credits inhale to give us hope.

WESTWORLD (S3E8) "Crisis Theory": The Beauty Of Humanity
WESTWORLD (S3E8) “Crisis Theory”: The Beauty Of Humanity

The third season of Westworld finally came to an end last night on a hopeful and bittersweet moment. The story, unfortunately, concludes in an underwhelming and frustrating note.

THE CLONE WARS (S7E10+11): Friends & Foes
THE CLONE WARS (S7E10+11): Friends & Foes

As the final season of Clone Wars dipped further and further into the timeline of Revenge of the Sith, it was apparent that we were going to see Ahsoka have to face Order 66 on her own.

SÉRIE NOIRE: A Prime Showcase for Patrick Dewaere
SÉRIE NOIRE: A Prime Showcase For Patrick Dewaere

A satisfying slice of sleaze served up on celluloid, Série Noire is a deliciously good watch.

ARKANSAS: A Southern-Fried Epic

Arkansas is beautifully constructed and represents its subject in every solitary element.

VITALINA VARELA: It Always Ends This Way
VITALINA VARELA: It Always Ends This Way

Vitalina Varela is a visually stunning film submerged in regret, remorse, anger, and in some ways a faint light of hope.

Anchored by Sigurdsson’s striking performance, A White, White Day explores the aftermath of a life and a marriage with an intensely introspective eye.
A WHITE, WHITE DAY: Grief Amid The Fog & Frost

Anchored by Sigurdsson’s striking performance, A White, White Day explores the aftermath of a life and a marriage with an intensely introspective eye.

COWBOYS: A Contemporary Western That Draws From Empathy & Parental Love
COWBOYS: A Contemporary Western That Draws From Empathy & Parental Love

Cowboys is Anna Kerrigan’s delicate and modestly subversive take on the Western, in which a father violates his parole and pulls his son away from an unpleasant upbringing.

FAIRYTALE: Trans Comedy Blends 1950s America With A Search for Identity
FAIRYTALE: Trans Comedy Blends 1950s America With A Search for Identity

Fairytale is an interesting take on the story of a transgender woman’s transition, set against the backdrop of external threats of UFOs, communism and a picture-perfect 1950s setting.

HOMELAND (S8E12) “Prisoners Of War”: Riding Off Into the Sunset... Of Civilization
HOMELAND (S8E12) “Prisoners Of War”: Riding Off Into the Sunset… Of Civilization

After eight stellar seasons, Showtime’s Homeland has finally come to an end. Prisoners of War…


Endings, Beginnings seems to be an illuminating experience for the actors involved, but an aimless drag for audiences watching.

CLEMENTINE: It's More About How You Get There Than the Destination
CLEMENTINE: It’s More About How You Get There Than the Destination

Brilliantly crafted, Clementine will speak to a variety of audiences, giving messages of not only understanding, but hope.

KILLING EVE (S3E3) "Meetings Have Biscuits": A Kiss To Remember
KILLING EVE (S3E3) “Meetings Have Biscuits”: A Kiss To Remember

The third episode of Killing Eve gives us a little hope that maybe there’s still some part of the show that can have a lot of fun despite its dark and bloody premise.

Four Murders: An Omnibus Review Of Four BBC Adaptations Of Agatha Christie
Four Murders: An Omnibus Review Of Four BBC Adaptations Of Agatha Christie

Clement Tyler Obropta looks back at four BBC Agatha Christie adaptations, all reimagined for the small screen by Sarah Phelps.

THE FLOOD: More Of A Drip Than A Flood
THE FLOOD: More Of A Drip Than A Flood

Although it seems to promise an unvarnished view of a topical issue, ultimately The Flood’s refusal to pick a side robs it of any real purpose.