
AMMONITE: A Beautiful Tale Of Loneliness Billed As A Romance
AMMONITE: A Beautiful Tale Of Loneliness Billed As A Romance

Ammonite is a cold, distant viewing that rewards the viewer in sporadic intervals, confident that it will find the right audience.

"It Was Just This Insane Whirlwind Of Creativity": Interview With Zeina Durra, Director Of LUXOR
“It Was Just This Insane Whirlwind Of Creativity”: Interview With Zeina Durra, Director Of LUXOR

Daryl MacDonald spoke with director Zeina Durra about her film Luxor, the city of Luxor itself to spirituality, dreams, accents, and more!

"There Is No Reason For Us To Identify With Things That Divide Us": Interview With Karim Saleh, Star Of LUXOR
LUXOR: Lonely Wanderings in Egypt

Luxor will reward that patience with a lovely, unsentimental look at life, which is well worth the price of admission.

PRINCESS OF THE ROW: An Earnest Drama About Homelessness & Poverty
PRINCESS OF THE ROW: An Earnest Drama About Homelessness & Poverty

An earnest and perceptive drama that deals with homelessness and mental illness in ways that inform and engage, Princess of the Row is a must-see indie.

MADE IN HONG KONG: Youth In Revolt And Resignation
MADE IN HONG KONG: Youth In Revolt And Resignation

Fruit Chan’s Made in Hong Kong’s bleak tale of alienated youth should appeal to anyone who has ever felt the future slipping away from them.

SOUND OF METAL: An Innovative, Meditative Experience
SOUND OF METAL: An Innovative, Meditative Experience

It is an innovative piece of work; it starts off intense and visceral until it takes a turn and becomes a tender, compassionate exploration of acceptance.

UNCLE FRANK: A Bit Rushed, But Incredibly Sweet
UNCLE FRANK: A Bit Rushed, But Incredibly Sweet

Honest with its subject matter, Uncle Frank is a very conventional drama where something topical in the 1970s is still relevant today.

THE SOUNDING: Shakespeare Drama Is All Bard, No Bite
THE SOUNDING: Shakespeare Drama Is All Bard, No Bite

The Sounding is a tribute to William Shakespeare first and foremost, though that adoration often gets in the way of its storytelling.

EUFF 2020: SMUGGLING HENDRIX: Geopolitical Conflicts Make for an Amusing Dramedy
EUFF 2020: SMUGGLING HENDRIX: Geopolitical Conflicts Make for an Amusing Dramedy

Smuggling Hendrix is a largely remote concept, but its political relevance emerging from its silly conflict makes it an accessible, amusing dramedy.

EUFF 2020: EXILE: Portrayal of Xenophobia, Deceived
EUFF 2020: EXILE: Portrayal of Xenophobia, Deceived

Exile requires a certain level of investment to procure the fruits of the third act, but will certainly leave you introspecting your life.

EUFF 2020: BEYOND THE HORIZON: Observation over Dictation
EUFF 2020: BEYOND THE HORIZON: Observation over Dictation

Beyond the Horizon is almost a traditional coming-of-age story that operates in accordance with the rules of the genre, but set apart by its twist.

BIG TOUCH: The Grandest of Small Gestures

Big Touch contains far more than its diminutive runtime would suggest. A very short-short, the film draws its audience into several small, human moments.

"I Wanted To Show That Your Second Home Oftentimes Feels Like A Shitty Home." A Conversation With Cooper Raiff, Director, Writer, And Star Of SHITHOUSE
“I Wanted To Show That Your Second Home Oftentimes Feels Like A Shitty Home.” A Conversation With Cooper Raiff, Director, Writer, And Star Of SHITHOUSE

Reyzando Nawara had the opportunity to speak with Cooper Raiff about his movie Shithouse, the painful yet realistic part of the college experience, and more!

A TEACHER Miniseries: A Misfired Look Into Grooming
A TEACHER Miniseries: A Misfired Look Into Grooming

While it’s visually handsome, with performances from the two leads that are equally staggering, the show fails to accomplish what it wants to do.

SMOOTH TALK: Laura Dern Comes of Age in This Stellar Drama
SMOOTH TALK: Laura Dern Comes of Age in This Stellar Drama

A gorgeous, thrilling portrayal of careless childhood dissolving in the summer sun, Smooth Talk is a landmark coming-of-age film.