While not essential viewing, the film is a successful directorial debut by Jesse Eisenberg.
Yellowjackets is your new favorite show, or it will be once you sit down and watch it.
Allow yourself to be transported by the sights and sounds of The Shepherdess and the Seven Songs and be rewarded with a powerful cinematic experience.
Made pre-COVID, Iuli Gerbase’s The Pink Cloud is about two people forced into lockdown together when a toxic pink cloud envelopes the world.
With A Hero, filmmaker Asghar Farhadi returns once again to the themes of societal strife that have run through his previous films.
Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence is a beautiful film, and despite its grim subject matter, there is an underlying sense of warmth to it.
Nightmare Alley is a tense thriller that will be sure to please audiences if they can get past the film’s length, but it still had potential to be more.
It might primarily tell a man’s story, but it’s the women—both in front of and behind the camera—that make Ever Since We Love worth watching.
Film Inquiry interviews Molly Quinn, who stars in the horror drama Agnes as a nun named Mary dealing with the supernatural.
Even more so than its celebratory aspects, Harold and Maude holds a special place in my heart because of what it meant to me when I first watched it.
While the movie itself is not without its bumps , there is always a new adventure, a new gag, a new moment of blissful sweetness just around the corner.
New Year is an exemplary artistic showcase of the power of dialogue and performance, wrapped in a tightly constructed celluloid of truth.
Adam McKay has crafted a harsh examination of our treatment and lack of action of the environment we live in, one that is sure to push the conversation.
Thus far, Marvel and Disney’s Hawkeye is proving to be an entertaining romp that doesn’t feel as bound by the MCU timeline.
While Dumont’s France seems more interested in piling dramatic events on top of dramatic events, Seydoux is never less than masterful.