This is a series that really elevates in its dialogue and writing, but is sold by amazing performances from Domhnall Gleeson and Steve Carell.
An impeccably crafted puzzle box of a film, Decision to Leave cements Park Chan-wook’s place in cinema as our modern master of suspense.
While the visuals and horror may not have stood the test of time, The Birds proves there is still more to be taken away watch after watch.
Despite the prestige of those involved in the project, Hilma is far too ordinary a film to do justice to such an extraordinary subject.
Little Odessa is not only a sobering look at a first generation Brooklyn family, but is also the best gangster film you’ve never heard of.
Without Gandolfini, without any sort of revelation, we’re left with a movie that sort of resembles The Sopranos but feels more like a cheap knock off.
Lee Jutton is back with two more films from this year’s New York Film Festival, with reviews of The Novelist’s Film and Walk Up!
In our latest report from the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival, Faisal Al-Jadir reviews Venus, Sisu and Viking!
In our latest report from the 2022 Heartland International Film Festival, Emily Wheeler reviews Dear Zoe, Corsage, Close and Me Little Me!
In our last report from the 2022 Heartland International Film Festival, Emily Wheeler reviews four more films!
On some level, it feels like a cinematic equivalent of the anti-establishment political cartoons that were once so pervasive in cultural discourse.
Hinterland’s high concept is let down by a weak script that doesn’t make the most of the film’s intriguing setting and talented cast.
The London Film Festival rolls on. Our latest review round-up covers stories of real life…
This dispatch features two great films involving passionate love affairs — but, apart from that, they could not be more radically different.