
CINEMA NOVO: Not For Novices
CINEMA NOVO: Not For Novices

Cinema Novo is an impressionistic documentary about the classic Brazilian movie genre. It’s beautiful, but is too hard to grasp for newcomers.

Interview With THE FORCE Director Peter Nicks
“How Could A Department Fail So Horribly But Also Be Making Progress At The Same Time?” Interview With THE FORCE Director Peter Nicks

Arlin Golden spoke with THE FORCE director Peter Nicks about Oakland Police Department, and everything that’s wrong and right with American police.

THE FORCE: Taking Down The Blue Wall Of Silence
THE FORCE: Taking Down The Blue Wall Of Silence

The Force is an important film that hopefully one day we’ll be able to look back upon as history far removed from the current moment.

THE APOLOGY: An Emotional, Gut-Wrenching Glimpse Into The Atrocities of War
THE APOLOGY: An Emotional, Gut-Wrenching Glimpse Into The Atrocities of War

The documentary The Apology tells the story of three Asian women whose lives have been turned upside down by the trauma of sexual slavery.

RAT FILM: A Singular, Illuminating Look At Baltimore's Social History
RAT FILM: A Singular, Illuminating Look At Baltimore’s Social History

Rat Film delves into the history of Baltimore’s city planning and the bigotry that has perpetrated on the African-American population.

SIDEMEN: LONG ROAD TO GLORY: A History of the American Blues
SIDEMEN: LONG ROAD TO GLORY: A History Of The American Blues

Sidemen is a lovingly crafted documentary telling the history of 3 underappreciated musicians, and helps keep the spirit of the blues alive.

MAKE THEM BELIEVE: Dreams and Dropkicks
MAKE THEM BELIEVE: Dreams & Dropkicks

Russian sports documentary Make them Believe brilliantly uses the lofty dreams of a college wrestler to examine how we chase our goals.

ALL THE RAGE: A Mind-Opening Doc About Healing Pain
ALL THE RAGE: A Mind-Opening Doc About Healing Pain

A dual character study, All The Rage benefits from its celebrity testimonies, candid interviews with Dr. Sarno, and Galinsky’s efficiency of substantiation.

ICARUS: Top-Level Cheaters

Icarus is a somewhat messy if also interesting look at the doping practices in Russian sports, with a director who gets in over his head.

MORE THAN A WORD: Generation With A Vision
MORE THAN A WORD: Generation With A Vision

More Than a Word discusses and explores the Washington football team’s controversial name, casting new light on a longstanding issue.

RISK: Julian Assange, Exposed?
RISK: Julian Assange, Exposed?

Though with potential, Risk is ultimately an unoriginal look at Julian Assange, and pales in comparison to Poitras’ past work.

The Truth About Pesticides - An Interview With CIRCLE OF POISON Director Evan Mascagni
The Truth About Pesticides – An Interview With CIRCLE OF POISON Director Evan Mascagni

Evan Mascagni is a former lawyer with a passion for righting the wrongs in the food industry. He talked to FI about his latest documentary.

BEYOND FOOD: An Exploration Of Extraordinary Health
BEYOND FOOD: An Exploration Of Extraordinary Health

Beyond Food is a documentary that explores recent trends and diets in the food industry, asking advice from numerous professionals. We spoke with director Tom Reyes.

WHOSE STREETS?: Reclaiming The Narrative
WHOSE STREETS?: Reclaiming The Narrative

Whose Streets? is a black story told by black voices, presenting a perspective that has remained elided in mainstream debate over black bodies and lives.

TURN IT AROUND: THE STORY OF EAST BAY PUNK: A Lesson In Punk Rock History On Gilman Street
TURN IT AROUND: THE STORY OF EAST BAY PUNK: A Lesson In Punk Rock History On Gilman Street

Turn It Around is a nostalgia piece for those who lived it, a film for the fans to enjoy and a tribute to the man who set it all in motion.