
Monogamish: Tao Raspuli's Journey of Self-Discovery
MONOGAMISH: Tao Raspuli’s Journey Of Self-Discovery

Tao Raspuli’s Monogamish asks the viewer to challenge their own pre-conceptions on relationships, with an effective, non-judgemental eye.

JANE: The Most Enthralling Account Of Her Life
JANE: The Most Enthralling Account Of Jane Goodall’s Life

The skillful assembly of wondrous never-before-seen footage makes Jane the definitive tribute to the icon’s life and work.

BRIMSTONE & GLORY: Goodness Gracious Great Balls Of Fire
BRIMSTONE & GLORY: Goodness Gracious Great Balls Of Fire

Brimstone & Glory is a unique documentary and you’d be doing yourself a disservice to not catch it in theaters.

AN INCONVENIENT SEQUEL: An Inconvenient Distribution Strategy, A Powerful Plea
AN INCONVENIENT SEQUEL: An Inconvenient Distribution Strategy, A Powerful Plea

An Inconvenient Sequel may struggle narratively, but its message about coming together to battle climate change is as important as ever.


Will You Be My Witness? proves to be an enjoyable slice of entertainment with a deeper message, suitable for all fans of the pop performer.

10 Years Ago, MY KID COULD PAINT THAT Deconstructed The Auteur
10 Years Ago, MY KID COULD PAINT THAT Deconstructed The Auteur

Amir Bar-Lev’s 2007 documentary My Kid Could Paint That isn’t about the real life art world scandal; it’s an exploration of the author’s irrelevancy.

STRONG ISLAND: A Haunting Look at Loss, Race, and the Justice System
STRONG ISLAND: A Haunting Look At Loss, Race & The Justice System

How might a predominately white community wield its power to dismiss a black life? The documentary Strong Island offers unsettling answers.

TOKYO IDOLS: A Glimpse Into A Culture Both Intriguing & Disturbing
TOKYO IDOLS: A Glimpse Into A Culture Both Intriguing & Disturbing

Never thought much about Japanese pop idols? Then this disturbing yet insightful documentary, Tokyo Idols, from Kyoto Miyake definitely will.

TROPHY: Objectivity Through A Killer Lens
TROPHY: Objectivity Through A Killer Lens

Trophy is unflinching in its approach to trophy hunting. While it lacks definite solutions it more than makes up for with stunning visuals.

CHAVELA: A Warm Portrait Of An Extraordinary Woman
CHAVELA: A Warm Portrait Of An Extraordinary Woman

Chavela is a documentary that is an introduction to the legendary ranchera singer as well as a fond remembrance for those who knew her well.

Talking Editing With Axel Grigor, Director Of JILL BILCOCK: DANCING THE INVISIBLE
Talking Editing With Axel Grigor, Director Of JILL BILCOCK: DANCING THE INVISIBLE

Axel Grigor, editor/director of the documentary about legendary Australian film editor Jill Bilc*ck, spoke with us about his film and editing.

DENNIS SKINNER: NATURE OF THE BEAST: A Timely Reminder to Keep Fighting
DENNIS SKINNER: NATURE OF THE BEAST: A Timely Reminder To Keep Fighting

Dennis Skinner: Nature of the Beast paints a picture of one of Britain’s most likeable politicians: Labour MP Dennis Skinner.

Interview With SCHOOL LIFE Director Neasa Ni Chianáin
“There’s Always Little Pockets Of Light, And I Think It’s Important To Tell Those Stories.” Interview With SCHOOL LIFE Director Neasa Ni Chianáin

Writer Arlin Golden sat down and talked with Neasa Ni Chianáin, director of the upcoming Irish documentary School Life.

SCHOOL LIFE: Spend Two Hours Somewhere Better

School Life has heart, it has laughs, and it is hands down the feel good movie of the year. Go see it and take as many people as you can. 

THE WORK: The Prison Therapy Experience Is Essential
THE WORK: The Prison Therapy Experience Is Essential

The Work is an essential piece of filmmaking that’s powerful in its observation and packs a strong emotional punch.