Quest is both a mirror and a window, showing both symptoms of our culture and the ways in which individuals subvert and redefine them.
We were able to talk with Hanna Böhman, subject of the documentary Fear Us Women and a prominent fighter in the conflict in Syria.
Fear Us Women takes us on a journey alongside the all-female Kurdish armed forces fighting ISIS, and it’s a gut-wrenching first-hand account.
MEAT provides understanding and raises awareness of our eating habits, while taking a palatable approach to show you the origin of meat.
Heal is a documentary for everyone, whether one considers themselves an optimist, pessimist, believer in a higher power, atheist, or otherwise.
With Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story, Alexandra Dean shows who Lamarr truly was: a genius inventor who was denied recognition most of her life.
The amount of ground covered in this documentary means it feels like a useful beginner’s guide to Joan Didion’s work- but nothing more.
Readers of a certain age will fondly remember Bill Nye as their de facto substitute teacher,…
The fascinating documentary School of Babel focuses on a group of diverse students settling into a new life in France.
Unrest is a brave piece of documentary filmmaking that’s absorbing, sensitive and most importantly, has the power to save lives.
One of Us is a sometimes powerful portrayal of three Hasidic Jews, showing their struggles to get by in a world that oppresses them.
Rodents Of Unusual Size is a lesson in just how much a canny filmmaker can fit into a documentary that’s barely an hour long.
Maybe it’s slightly too long and loses focus on a handful of occasions, but Kingdom of Us is a vital watch, carrying a real sense of urgency.
An Oscar worthy documentary, Dina is an entertaining film unique in its portrayal of the people behind the autism label.
No Dress Code Required is a politically charged but impressively intimate look at one gay couple’s fight for the right to marry.