Can we work together to find a solution? It’s a reality that needs further acknowledgement, and It Will Be Chaos does an admirable job of giving us perspective and bare-boned stories of resilience and courage.
Satisfying fans and welcoming new ones, King Cohen has a nice balance making sure the forgotten, outlandish missteps of Larry King are remembered as much time as his mainstream successes.
Elena Miliaresis’ documentary While Time Stands Still tells the story of the hardships of military families – Laurie Agard considers the psychological aspects.
We were able to speak with Adam Sobel, director of the documentary The Workers Cup, focusing on labor camps in Qatar in preparation for the 2022 World Cup.
As the 2018 World Cup quickly approaches, The Workers Cup serves as an uncomfortable reminder of the humanity behind one of the world’s most beloved sporting spectacles.
Inka Achté’s documentary BOYS WHO LIKE GIRLS chronicles the efforts of an organization in India to educate boys and men on pressing gender-based issues.
It isn’t the glossiest documentary, and there isn’t a significant style or a comfortable flow, but what Evil Genius lacks in pizzazz in makes up for in persistence and unearthing.