A clunkily-titled but absorbing documentary with alot of material to juggle, The Public Image Is Rotten is breathless at times, but never less than engaging.
In this unique documentary, Liyana, five children in Swaziland dive into their imaginations to create an original African tale about a girl on a dangerous quest.
We review three films from the Drunken Film Fest, a festival organized on two continents by two writers from Film Inquiry, Jax Griffin and Arlin Golden.
Minding the Gap is a harrowing portrait of trauma and abuse, and a hypnotic rumination on what it means to film, be filmed, and see yourself in film. And its ending is momentous.
Songwriter is a fun and lighthearted look at the process of behind pop music songwriting, with a little bit of a background on the man behind the guitar and mic.
Vincent Amouroux and Alex Barry’s Living Universe is an encouraging sign that science is progressing in ways which continue to benefit humanity as a whole.
Seeing a successful bodybuilder physically breaking apart toes the line towards Ronnie Coleman: the King being a cautionary tale, but it’s ultimately saved by the view of his private life.