
BOB LAZAR: AREA 51 & FLYING SAUCERS: One Small Step For Man, One Giant Leap To Conclusions

Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers takes for face value the fact that UFOs exist is the least of its problems – the poor quality of filming and story do far more damage at derailing the narrative.

TRUST MACHINE:THE STORY OF BLOCKCHAIN: Ready for the Next Wave of Internet?

Trust Machine: The Story of Blockchain from director Alex Winter is a ride worth taking and asking how will you imagine the world.

THE AMERICAN MEME: The Fleeting Nature Of Fame Awaits

Anyone outside of the teenage demographic will be left rather annoyed with The American Meme, not by Marcus’ talents but the talents within the documentary itself.

THE OWL’S LEGACY: Chris Marker’s Immense & Long-Unavailable Series Released
THE OWL’S LEGACY: Chris Marker’s Immense & Long-Unavailable Series Released

The Owl’s Legacy never offers easy answers or revelations, but a constant exploration, which makes it an ideal pedagogical tool.

No Earnest, Literal Documentaries: Interview With Maxim Pozdorovkin, Director Of THE TRUTH ABOUT KILLER ROBOTS
THE TRUTH ABOUT KILLER ROBOTS: The Stylized Paranoia Of Our Contemporary Dystopia

The Truth About Killer Robots is an essential part of the ever-evolving debate as to where our civilization currently is, and where it may ultimately be heading.

No Earnest, Literal Documentaries: Interview With Maxim Pozdorovkin, Director Of THE TRUTH ABOUT KILLER ROBOTS
No Earnest, Literal Documentaries: Interview With THE TRUTH ABOUT KILLER ROBOTS Director Maxim Pozdorovkin

Matthew Roe interviews Maxim Pozdorovkin on his latest foreboding documentary, focused on artificial intelligence and automation.

THE LAST RACE is a Straight Winner
THE LAST RACE: A Straight Winner

The Last Race is a beautiful documentary that is, able to move between overtly stylized and ethnographic motifs while still remaining a unified piece.

“How Do I Suspend The Meaning Of Blackness?” Interview With HALE COUNTY THIS MORNING, THIS EVENING Director RaMell Ross

We spoke with RaMell Ross, director of Hale County This Morning, This Evening, about the fluidity of documentary, the representation of blackness, and more.

HALE COUNTY THIS MORNING, THIS EVENING: The Beautiful Power of the Everyday
HALE COUNTY THIS MORNING, THIS EVENING: The Beautiful Power of the Everyday

Hale County This Morning, This Evening is a staggering achievement of filmmaking, and an essential American text.

Shirkers: The Catcher Among the Durians
SHIRKERS: The Catcher Among The Durians

The unbelieveable true story of Shirkers offers a bittersweet end to a decades long saga in the life of independent filmmaker Sandi Tan.

ON HER SHOULDERS: Inherently Powerful Documentary Exposes Wrongheaded Media Portrayal
ON HER SHOULDERS: Powerful Documentary Exposes Wrongheaded Media Portrayal

The life story of activist Nadia Murad is told in On Her Shoulders with a lack of sensationalism, focusing more on her cause than the tragedy.

TRANSFORMER: A Transformative Transition
TRANSFORMER: A Transformative Transition

Transformer tells a touching story of the human spirit so moving, it’ll feel like a weight off your own shoulders while watching.

"The Human Experience Is Complicated And Difficult." Interview With Frederick Wiseman, Legendary Director Of MONROVIA, INDIANA
“The Human Experience Is Complicated And Difficult.” Interview With Frederick Wiseman, Legendary Director Of MONROVIA, INDIANA

We were able to talk with legendary director Frederick Wiseman about his upcoming documentary Monrovia, Indiana and his large body of work.

DARK MONEY: A Must See Around The US Midterm Election
DARK MONEY: A Must See Around The US Midterm Election

Dark Money does provide some hope, but the film falls short in helping the viewer to understand how he/she can be empowered to make a difference.

Combating Trauma Through Art: Interviews With Jeffrey Wright & Vainuupo Avegalio Of WE ARE NOT DONE YET
Combating Trauma Through Art: Interviews With Jeffrey Wright & Vainuupo Avegalio Of WE ARE NOT DONE YET

We were able to speak with Jeffrey Wright and Vainuupo ‘A.V.’ Avegalio, who are both involved with the documentary We Are Not Done Yet.