By relying on the best possible ambassadors to convey its message, In Search of Greatness provides an intriguing and inspiring look at sporting excellence.
Emanuel digs knee-deep into the prevalence of racist violence reaching yet another horrible conclusion with the acts committed against the Charleston 9 that fateful day in 2015.
Capturing a legacy of fear, Pia Borg’s short documentary Demonic is the perfect depiction of a time when the depths of the mind, imagination and fear gripped a nation.
It would be unsurprising to see Making Waves used for educational purposes in film sound classes for years to come, but even your average film buff will enjoy it.
Comprised as it is primarily of archival footage and talking heads collectively geeking out, it could be easy to find Memory: The Origins of Alien overly dry.
What did people think he was doing? What did the legends say? Wrinkles the Clown is both a hilarious and terrifying documentary that tries to answer these questions.
Film Inquiry had the pleasure of speaking with Stephen Wilkes, director of Jay Myself, an ode to the life and career of his mentor, photographer and artist Jay Maisel.