A Grin Without a Cat is a potently poetic diatribe regarding political fervor, social upheaval, and oppression of all kinds.
The Mystery of the Pink Flamingo embodies the spirit of its subject in wonderfully weird ways that entertain.
Musanna Ahmed spoke with director Daniel Lombroso about his film White Noise, its inception, the rise of nationalism worldwide, and much more.
Continuing our coverage of the 2020 International Documentary Film Festival of Amsterdam (IDFA), we reviewShe Had A Dream, Jacinta and more!
In a newly released Blu-Ray from the Criterion Collection, Owen Butler takes a look at Bing Liu’s Minding the Gap.
Black Panthers shows the resistance group through the words of its own members and the curious eyes of a visitor.
A rural Romanian couple and their nine children must learn to live in the big city.
Continuing our coverage of the 2020 International Documentary Film Festival of Amsterdam (IDFA), we review Radiograph of a Family, 100UP and more!
Kirsten Johnson’s film is a wonderful testament to both her aging father and the importance of treasuring the people we love most in life.
Film Inquiry recently had the chance to speak with director Helena Coan about her loving documentary, Audrey.
While it may seem to soon, 76 Days is a vital documentary that is a testament to those at the frontlines during the lockdown of Wuhan.
The Test & the Art of Thinking is an important documentary, highlighting a particular issue in education that is connected to a larger problem.
Penguins: Life on the Edge continues to be remarkable, capturing filmmakers risking life and limb to bring us footage of wonders yet unseen.
From IDFA Musanna Ahmed gives his first report, detailing thoughts on The Grocer’s Son…, White Noise, Silent Voice, and Bulletproof.
Alexander Miller sat down with filmmakers Marco Porsia and Rodney Ascher to discuss the work of alt-rock band, Swans.