Film Inquiry recently had the chance to speak with director Helena Coan about her loving documentary, Audrey.
While it may seem to soon, 76 Days is a vital documentary that is a testament to those at the frontlines during the lockdown of Wuhan.
The Test & the Art of Thinking is an important documentary, highlighting a particular issue in education that is connected to a larger problem.
Penguins: Life on the Edge continues to be remarkable, capturing filmmakers risking life and limb to bring us footage of wonders yet unseen.
From IDFA Musanna Ahmed gives his first report, detailing thoughts on The Grocer’s Son…, White Noise, Silent Voice, and Bulletproof.
Alexander Miller sat down with filmmakers Marco Porsia and Rodney Ascher to discuss the work of alt-rock band, Swans.
Dear Santa is a film that proves love and charity are all around, showing that Christmas is not just for children, but for the communities and the heart.
While we always talk about The Beatles and The Beach Boys, but the impactful legacy of The Ventures deserve their due.
We spoke to the director about the critical success of Collective following his press run at the 2020 Double Exposure Investigative Film Festival.
While Swans – Where Does A Body End? will be streaming on Amazon Prime, this a movie that should be played as loud as possible.
Peter Murimi And Toni Kamau spoke with Film Inquiry about how they made the film and their hopes for the impact it can have.
If you’re looking for a Wikipedia summary of the government’s incompetence at handling this pandemic, it is a straightforward and relentless assault.
While many would probably have appreciated a more robust exploration of his musical career, there’s also a deeply human message at the core.
What Do You Have to Loose takes a deep look into how the results of the 2016 election came to be from the view point of racial discrimination.