In Pray Away, viewers are led into the minds of those who founded, lead, and propagated one of the biggest conversion therapy developers.
In the documentary, The Sound of Identity, Lucia Lucas is the first transgender woman to headline a major opera production
While Accepted examines the rise and fall of TM Landry, it’s also a multilayered look of the environment children are thrust into.
Sky Hopinka’s film “małni: towards the ocean, towards the shore” is a meditative experimental film rooted in Chinook mythology and tradition.
The documentary as a whole is a brilliant lesson in ecology, humanity, and finding better ways to live comfortably without taking more than you give back.
In spite of some reservations, and though it certainly demands patience, Hopper/Welles remains a treasure trove worthy of exploration.
Shannon Walsh’s documentary: The Gig is Up, paints a simmering, sobering picture of the global gig economy.
A sequel to What Happened in Vegas, Ramsey Denison’s newest documentary Money Machine examines the aftermath of the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.
Presented virtually, Arlin Golden finishes his coverage of the documentaries that premiered at this year’s San Francisco International Film Festival.
A new documentary about Sesame Street and how catering to children’s education – as opposed to selling ad space – changed television.
Sparing us a heavy-handed lecture, Gunda shows us why we should value animals for more than just their meat, and is all the more powerful for it.
Presented virtually, Arlin Golden takes a look at the documentaries that premiered at this year’s San Francisco International Film Festival.
Luke Parker spoke with documentary filmmaker Shalini Kantayya about Coded Bias, her frightening exposé on big tech data collection.
The sounds and the visuals are warm, especially if you are a fan, inviting you in not as a viewer but as a fellow lover of “liquid art”.