Despite a few stumbles along the way, I Will Make You Mine is a deeply nuanced directorial debut and character study that will leave audiences satisfied.
What makes Nigerian Prince stand apart from the cavalcade of other crime thrillers cribbed straight out of the Guy Ritchie handbook is its Nigerian setting.
In a decade over-saturated with cheap nostalgia, it is a delight to see a film about the 90s that doesn’t try to be about the 90s; Mid90s tells a timeless story of self-discovery.
It’s uncommon for a film to have scenes of vulgar comedy and yet be heart-wrenchingly emotional – but All About Nina is bold, and deserves your attention.
For sheer distinctiveness of vision, and for the visceral portrayal of how it feels to be bullied, director Deborah Haywood deserves plaudits for Pin Cushion.