
The Wonder Women of 2017
The Wonder Women Of 2017

We look back at the wonder women of 2017, the women directors and writers who pushed through barriers in the industry, advancing gender equality and making history.

Interview With Director Brian Taylor Of MOM AND DAD
Interview With Director Brian Taylor Of MOM AND DAD

We got to talk with Brian Taylor, director of the upcoming Nicolas Cage and Selma Blair-starring film Mom and Dad.

The Beginner's Guide: Alexander Payne, Director
The Beginner’s Guide: Alexander Payne, Director

Alexander Payne’s films are diverse yet also share similar directorial trademarks, including the focus on middle-aged, neurotic protagonists, loss of a loved one, existential crises, and more; here is a rundown of his more than two decades in the industry.

The Beginner's Guide: Masaaki Yuasa, Director
The Beginner’s Guide: Masaaki Yuasa, Director

Masaaki Yuasa is known for his dynamic anime, which take inspiration from surreal 1960s-70s animation and Golden Age Disney films.

Beginner's Guide: Paul Verhoeven
Beginner’s Guide: Paul Verhoeven, Director

Paul Verhoeven is a distinguished director in the cinematic world of the past few decades; here is a rundown of his career.

Actor Profile: Harold Lloyd
Actor Profile: Harold Lloyd

Harold Lloyd is among the great silent comedians, and his work, which also spans into talkies, should speak for itself.

Interview With SCHOOL LIFE Director Neasa Ni Chianáin
“There’s Always Little Pockets Of Light, And I Think It’s Important To Tell Those Stories.” Interview With SCHOOL LIFE Director Neasa Ni Chianáin

Writer Arlin Golden sat down and talked with Neasa Ni Chianáin, director of the upcoming Irish documentary School Life.

The Beginner's Guide: Rob Zombie, Director & Writer
The Beginner’s Guide: Rob Zombie, Director & Writer

Rob Zombie is one of the more well-known B-horror filmmakers working today, his films a glorification of campy fun and violence.

Interview With PILGRIMAGE Director Brendan Muldowney
Interview With PILGRIMAGE Director Brendan Muldowney

We were able to talk to Brendan Muldowney, director of the Irish medieval film Pilgrimage, starring Tom Holland.

Interview With GOD'S OWN COUNTRY Director Francis Lee
Interview With GOD’S OWN COUNTRY Director Francis Lee

We were able to sit down and talk with Francis Lee, director of the acclaimed upcoming British drama God’s Own Country.

Interview With CALL ME BY YOUR NAME Director Luca Guadagnino
Interview With CALL ME BY YOUR NAME Director Luca Guadagnino

Film Inquiry writer Alex Lines was able to sit down and talk with Luca Guadagnino, director of Call My By Your Name and the upcoming Suspiria.

The Beginner's Guide: Claire Denis, Director
The Beginner’s Guide: Claire Denis, Director

The characters in her films don’t say much, but Claire Denis still manages to create worlds where communication arrives in other forms.

The Beginner's Guide: Lars Von Trier, Writer/Director
The Beginner’s Guide: Lars Von Trier, Writer/Director

Lars von Trier has become infamous for his unabashedly grim and provocative works, yet he is a distinctive and brilliant director as well.

Beginner's Guide: Peter Weir, Director
Beginner’s Guide: Peter Weir, Director

Australian director Peter Weir is known for his outsider characters triumphing over adversity; here is a rundown of his most famous films.

Interview With Matt Schrader On The Making Of SCORE: A FILM MUSIC DOCUMENTARY

We had the chance to speak with director Matt Schrader about the making of his upcoming documentary Score: A Film Music Documentary, a film any film nerd should see.