
More Sad Than Enraged: The Ancillary Despair Of FURY
More Sad Than Enraged: The Ancillary Despair Of FURY

We look back at David Ayer’s 2014 war film Fury, and the deeper themes of anger mixed with sadness expressed throughout.

HIGH LIFE: Black Holes and the Science Fiction of Depression
Black Holes & The Science Fiction Of Depression In HIGH LIFE

What happens to those without resources to evacuate a dying world? John Stanford Owen examines life and humanity in High Life.

IT'S SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DAY: Depression and Mortality
IT’S SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DAY: Depression & Mortality

Don Hertzfeldt’s 2012 animation is an authentic depiction of depression, mental illness and mankind’s relationship with the universe.

THE VANISHING OF SIDNEY HALL: Tricksy Melodrama About a Depressed Novelist Falls Flat
THE VANISHING OF SIDNEY HALL: Tricksy Melodrama About a Depressed Novelist Falls Flat

Despite some promising moments, The Vanishing of Sidney Hall never quite reaches the level of its ambition, ultimately fading in the background amongst more prominent films about the art of writing.

ELIZABETH BLUE: Heartfelt, But Undermined By A Nasty Ending
ELIZABETH BLUE: Heartfelt, But Undermined By A Nasty Ending

Despite a semi-autobiographical approach to the mental illness theme, Elizabeth Blue feels cliched- and suffers from a dreadful finale.

PAINT IT BLACK: A Brash & Beautiful Meditation On Grief
PAINT IT BLACK: A Brash & Beautiful Meditation On Grief

Paint it Black is an impressive debut from director Amber Tamblyn, with strong performances shining brighter than the visual quirks.

CHRISTINE: A Compelling But Tragic Character Study
CHRISTINE: A Compelling But Tragic Character Study

In July of 1974, television reporter Christine Chubbuck committed suicide on a live news broadcast. This is not a spoiler for Christine, as the film concentrates on the tragic events that led to its title character’s fall.

The Mind On Film: Representative or Farfetched?

The subject of mental illness and disorders are interesting, educational, and sometimes sensitive topics in film. From watching movies like Girl, Interrupted, The Road Within and The Machinist, audiences learn a great deal about very real and problematic issues surrounding sufferers, however, can it be said that these representations are portrayed correctly? The film industry is guilty of depicting disorders such as hysteria as an illness that only women suffer from, and autism is far too often painted as a superpower, not to mention the unclear representation of schizophrenia, which causes audiences to confuse the illness with dissociative identity disorder.