A harrowing true story is rendered inert by the light touch on its most interesting aspects in The Infinite Storm.
Carried by a brilliant performance from Bennett, Swallow is a disturbingly effective psychological study focused on the extreme lengths one will go to declare independence in the face of oppression.
The Day Shall Come is a dark, biting commentary on systemic racism of law enforcement and the weird Kafkaesque nature of the War on Terror.
Bottom of the 9th may be plagued with a slow moving plot, it does have the characteristics of what makes a compelling sports drama.
The Day Shall Come is so cartoonish that it just doesn’t feel believable or possible, let alone historical fact.
Lead by a powerhouse cast and brilliant directorial debut, Allure challenges and leaves a significant trail of destruction in its wake.
The deliberate pace can test your patience but the depth and ambition of this original debut are enough to make Novitiate worth a watch.