
Tribeca Film Festival 2023: MINTED
Tribeca Film Festival 2023: MINTED

While Minted presents intrigue in both the product and the artists behind them, it struggles to become a cohesive unity of art and information.

Tribeca Film Festival 2023: THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE
Tribeca Film Festival 2023: THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE

This is Not Financial Advice achieves its overall goal, without explicitly telling audiences the right or wrong way to embark on the financial market.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival 2019: TRUST MACHINE: THE STORY OF BLOCKCHAIN
Melbourne Documentary Film Festival 2019: TRUST MACHINE: THE STORY OF BLOCKCHAIN

Trust Machine is a perfect introduction into a very complex field, accessible and informative to those who are unfamiliar with Bitcoin and Blockchaining, but still enlightening to those who do.