
WHITE BOY RICK: Lacks The Moxie Of Its Inspiration
WHITE BOY RICK: Lacks The Moxie Of Its Inspiration

The saying goes that the story writes itself, but White Boy Rick shows that even the best tales can be crafted into a boring, listless film.

A SIMPLE FAVOR: Yummy Mummies make an ugly mess
A SIMPLE FAVOR: Not That Sexy, Clever Or Cool

Paul Feig’s latest, A Simple Favor, sees him unshackle himself from his comedy ties – unfortunately, the result is a subpar Gone Girl wannabe.

Is MARA Scary Enough to Keep Us Awake?
MARA: Scary Enough To Keep Us Awake

With a minimal budget, Mara will satisfy an audience that enjoys jitters, with just enough scares that as you leave the theatre you might dread your next bout of sleep paralysis.

THE KING OF THIEVES: Bland British Crime Caper
THE KING OF THIEVES: Bland British Crime Caper

Not bad but rather bland, The King of Thieves is too simply constructed to fully capitalise on its solid cast and compelling true-life crime story.

OZARK Season 2: An Explosive Sophmore Season that Lives Up To Expectation
OZARK Season 2: An Explosive Sophomore Season That Lives Up To Expectations

Ozark’s sophomore season lives up to both critic and viewer expectations with a complex web of storylines and characters intricately placed to be the visual chess board TV has been waiting for.

YARDIE: A Powerful Coming-of-Age Crime Thriller Possibly Staggered By Passion
YARDIE: A Powerful Coming-Of-Age Crime Thriller Staggered By Passion

Yardie is loaded with Idris Elba’s enthusiasm, but feels decidedly less confident in the wake of other recent directorial debuts.

THE HAPPYTIME MURDERS: A Less Than Joyful Killing Spree
THE HAPPYTIME MURDERS: A Less Than Joyful Killing Spree

With its clichéd and unoriginal plot, The Happytime Murders proves the era of puppets for adult entertainment may not be as effective as it once was.

TRIAL & ERROR: LADY, KILLER: S2E9 & E10: Wraps Up Everything With Charm & A Dash Of Murder
TRIAL & ERROR: LADY, KILLER: S2E9 & E10: Wraps Up Everything With Charm & A Dash Of Murder

This season of Trial & Error has been a wonderful ride, utilizing its talented cast throughout a season of twists, turns, and laughs.

BLUE IGUANA: A Blood-Splattered Action Comedy
BLUE IGUANA: A Blood-Splattered Action Comedy

Blue Iguana is a fun throwback to 80’s action crime movies, aided by fantastic performances and a punchy script.

BRIJ MOHAN AMAR RAHE: A Mean-spirited, Semi-Entertaining Black Comedy

Though Brij Mohan Amar Rahe may be funny and entertaining at points, it mostly comes across as unpleasant to watch and unintentionally muddled.

BLACKkKLANSMAN: The Power Of Cinema Triumphs Over Racism In Spike Lee's Best Film In Decades
BLACKkKLANSMAN: The Power Of Cinema Triumphs Over Racism In Spike Lee’s Best Film In Decades

Blackkklansman works on every level – it tells a wildly entertaining story while addressing a pressing social issue with intelligence and moral heft.

THE AMERICANS: A Brutal, But Timely, Spy Thriller
Looking Back On THE AMERICANS Series: A Brutal, But Timely, Spy Thriller

The Americans is a show that asks you to examine what exactly it is about capitalism that you like, the effect those aspects of it have on other people, and whether your lifestyle is ethical.

A PRAYER BEFORE DAWN: Violent Biopic that Pulls its Punches
A PRAYER BEFORE DAWN: Violent Biopic That Pulls Its Punches

A Prayer Before Dawn boasts a fantastic central performance from Joe Cole, but unfortunately, wastes an astonishing true story in favour of genre cliches.

HER COMPOSITION: A Sensual Journey Of Sound

As a first-time feature for writer/director Stephan Littger, Her Composition is ambitious and full of earnest affectivity.

Interview With Matthew Ross, Writer & Director Of SIBERIA
Interview With Matthew Ross, Writer & Director Of SIBERIA

We were able to talk to Matthew Ross, writer and director of the upcoming crime thriller Siberia about his brief but prolific filmmaking career, working with Keanu Reeves, and more.