Season 2 of Titans starts off on a messy but promising foot that does more to excite fans for future episodes than work as a spectacular conclusion for its previous arc.
As we head into the final two episodes, we have relationships on the verge of collapse, secrets to be exposed and a target on the Boys’ backs. Whatever happens next, it’s sure to be bloody.
The plot thickens in episodes 4-6 of Mindhunter: Season 2, as the dramatic fallout of the first season fades into the rear view mirror and the intense conflict of this new season shifts to the forefront.
Season 2 of Mindhunter reminds us why we adore this show: it’s gripping, intoxicating television, as engaging on a scene-to-scene basis as it is on a grand narrative level.
Coming off the heels of an episode that re-shaped The Boys’ narrative for the better, “The Female of the Species” is another strong hour of television.
After some false starts, The Boys’ “Get Some” solidifies the mission statement of the show, pushes our established characters in new directions and broadens the scope of the world.