While Sick may not be the grade-A horror film it wants to be, it is an enjoyable watch, with a few surprises, and some great visual creations.
Overall, John Smith’s Citadel is a perfect cinematic reflection of the difficult 2020 that the British public dealt with.
The shutdown resulting from the virus has shaken the foundations of the industry challenging the ways that films are produced, distributed, and exhibited.
At this particular moment, In the Same Breath certainly feels like the COVID-19 documentary that the world needs to see.
While it may seem to soon, 76 Days is a vital documentary that is a testament to those at the frontlines during the lockdown of Wuhan.
To understand the toll the pandemic has had on independent cinemas we spoke with theater owners Brett Bossard, Lance Alspaugh, and Michele Anderson.
If you’re looking for a Wikipedia summary of the government’s incompetence at handling this pandemic, it is a straightforward and relentless assault.