coronavirus crisis

The New Coronavirus Cinema Is Here
The New Coronavirus Cinema Is Here

The shutdown resulting from the virus has shaken the foundations of the industry challenging the ways that films are produced, distributed, and exhibited.

76 DAYS: The Faces Of Strength And Hope In Crisis
76 DAYS: The Faces Of Strength And Hope In Crisis

While it may seem to soon, 76 Days is a vital documentary that is a testament to those at the frontlines during the lockdown of Wuhan.

TOTALLY UNDER CONTROL: Totally Too Soon but Totally on Point
TOTALLY UNDER CONTROL: Totally Too Soon but Totally on Point

If you’re looking for a Wikipedia summary of the government’s incompetence at handling this pandemic, it is a straightforward and relentless assault.

LITTLE ROOM (S1, E1): Piloting a Worthy Cause
LITTLE ROOM (S1E1): Piloting A Worthy Cause – Watch & Support Covid-19 Relief Funds

Hopefully, Little Room can grow beyond a pilot, but in the meantime, it’s a great way to both enjoy new content and support Covid-19 relief funds.

Digital Down Under: How The Coronavirus Couldn’t Stop Australia’s Film Festivals

Even if audiences choose to return, will the festivals be there for them, or will we see a paradigmatic shift to these industry events lodging themselves online permanently?

Biological Uncertainty In UPSTREAM COLOR
Biological Uncertainty In UPSTREAM COLOR

If you let yourself think about all the unknowns in the world, it can bring on a strange, existential panic, one that Upstream Color captures in a beautifully unnerving way.

Travel The World With These Foreign Films While You Wait Out The Corona Crisis At Home
Travel The World With These Foreign Films While You Wait Out The Coronavirus Crisis At Home

As we enter an indeterminate period of self-quarantine, modern technology enables us travel the globe from our living room. Here’s a number of foreign films to keep you occupied.