A spiritual forerunner to modern coming-of-age films like Eighth Grade and Lady Bird, Peppermint Soda is a charming glimpse at two teenage girls growing up.
Mektoub My Love is one of the most self indulgent films in recent memory, with the threat of a sequel likely to kill off the director’s career altogether.
We spoke with director Melissa B. Miller Costanzo about her new film All These Small Moments, and what inspired her to create this unique adolescent drama.
Adult Life Skills is a poignant examination of a young woman whose growth has been stunted by grief, carried by Jodie Whittaker’s charming performance.
Writer/director Melissa B. Miller Costanzo’s feature debut touches on the complex nature of relationships with a stunning visual eye, resulting in a thought-provoking journey into the ill-defined nature of transitioning into adulthood.