
A NEW MAN: Charles in Charge

Everybody takes break-ups differently. Some people get a dog, others will join the gym, and a few people fall into complete melancholy. The short film A New Man is a study of the third result.


One of the best qualities you find in the cinephile world is a film that doesn’t take itself so seriously. Truly, what better way to do that than with puppets? Drugged up puppets that rob convenience stores.

TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: Leave Your Childhood At The Door

I am a member of a generation that covets nostalgia more than any that has come before it. The Internet allows us to relive our childhood memories whenever we wish. It can be comforting to look back at the cartoons you watched as a kid or be reminded of that candy you loved that has since been discontinued.

THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL: On Wes Anderson’s Homage to Stefan Zweig

Wes Anderson can be an acquired taste. Settling on gathering enjoyment from his films can come after much deliberation as to whether he’s serious about the utterly finicky nature he employs in his chosen colour palettes, set construction, camera movements and scrupulous plot details. But his films carry far more value than the kind of hipster magnetism that seemingly oozes out of them.

How to Become a “Mean Girl”

We’re talking about the 2004 movie Mean Girls – let’s discuss how a real girl becomes a mean girl in real life and what happens to them later on.