The Incredible Jessica James has an infectious charm to it, bolstered by Williams’ strong lead performance and a positive central message.
Matt Keeslar is a lesser-known actor that nonetheless gave some fine performances across many different genres.
We had a chance to interview Mindy Bledsoe, director of the short film Hard Broads, which is now streaming on Seed&Spark.
Although unashamedly made for the youngest audiences possible, Captain Underpants is infectiously charming to all ages.
Talya Lavie’s Zero Motivation is simultaneously funny, serious, sentimental, sarcastic, slapstick, and totally unique.
Brave New Jersey is a fictional yet charming look at the aftereffects of Orson Welles’ famous War of the Worlds broadcast on a small town.
Landline’s Gillian Robespierre & Jenny Slate understand that female characters can do unlikable things while still earning our empathy.
Kuso, though visually interesting at times, is ultimately too disgusting to recommend, and seemingly has no purpose behind it.
Although not a life changing film, let alone a particularly memorable one, Fun Mom Dinner has enough charm to keep you entertained.
To this survivor, To The Bone had the chance to inspire understanding of anorexia, but ended up being a disappointment.
In this version of Marivaux’s play False Confessions there are laughs to be had, but its adaptation to modern day makes it a confusing watch.
Fighting Belle initially seems to have potential as a unique and inspirational revenge story, but it ultimately feels cringeworthy instead.
Fat Camp may be generic in both story and direction, but it has enough charm and heart to make up for some of its shortcomings.
The Aubrey Plaza starring comedy The Little Hours has caused controversy in the catholic community – but is it detrimental to the religion?
Girls Trip is a gut-bustingly funny gem that is not only good for a girl’s night out, but it has a little something for everyone.