With a distinctly nineties feel, An L.A. Minute is surreal and thought-provoking, even in its imperfect moments.
We break down the career of Winona Ryder, showcasing her talent for the horror genre and more over her 30+ years in front of the camera.
It almost feels as though “The High Cost of Loathing” should have been The Venture Bros.’ season premiere, with the previous three episodes being a self contained trilogy.
Blue Iguana is a fun throwback to 80’s action crime movies, aided by fantastic performances and a punchy script.
Bonding creates thoughtful and memorable characters and showcases their work in a positive light leading towards self-discovery and the building of relationships, both romantic and platonic.
Instead of living up to its Godard and Whedon-esque aspirations, Blood Fest shoots itself in the foot, delivering cliche after cliche in a formulaic, hopelessly grating package.
Don Hertzfeldt’s 2012 animation is an authentic depiction of depression, mental illness and mankind’s relationship with the universe.
The Festival can’t get out of the shadow of The Inbetweeners, but it’s well worth a watch for all fans of the series.
The Venture Bros. has really become something much more mature and nuanced as it has gone on and episodes like “Arrears in Science” really show the shows range and capacity to still surprise us.
Welcome back. Following the premiere’s cliffhanger, I went into this episode expecting to find out…
Trial & Error: Lady, Killer continues to provide a smartly written story with comedic moments performed by a wonderfully talented ensemble.
We spoke with Luke Del Tredici about the ten-year process of getting Arizona into production, the fragility and elusiveness of the American Dream, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and much more!
The Package suffers from being a little too conventional for its own good – a generic teen rom-com with a dissected dick slapped on top.
Though Brij Mohan Amar Rahe may be funny and entertaining at points, it mostly comes across as unpleasant to watch and unintentionally muddled.
There’s plenty about Juliet, Naked that isn’t ideal, but it is cozy and predominantly feel-good.