Harpoon never gets deep enough to attain full authenticity, but it’s still a fittingly tense and amusingly deranged romp, poking fun at how low these people are drowning into moral abyss.
Bong Joon-ho has put together an intricate, multi-layered portrait of inequality and class. At the same time, he keeps the experience fun and intoxicating.
Dolemite is my Name manages to be a loving ode to Blaxploitation and Black independent filmmaking while still being one of the funniest films of the year so far.
Disenchantment Part 2 feels new, current, and understanding of what makes it wonderful – chapter 3 not only feels necessary, but desperately asked for.
While it’s true that film as a medium is intrinsically subjective, it seems pretty clear amongst viewers with knowledge of film that Parasite will go down as a classic.