
SXSW 2019 Review: ALICE: Empowering for Women, Enlightening for Everyone
SXSW 2019 Review: ALICE: Empowering For Women, Enlightening For Everyone

Alice is a film that should enlighten anybody, because it’s about society as much as it is about Alice herself.

FAITH BASED: Trying To Find Comedy In Religion
FAITH BASED: Trying To Find Comedy In Religion

Faith Based isn’t the funniest film you’ll sit through this year, though it might get you through a lazy Sunday with a few laughs.

HOW TO BUILD A GIRL: Sometimes You Need To Be the Villain of Your Story
HOW TO BUILD A GIRL: Sometimes You Need To Be The Villain of Your Story

In a time when women are breaking boundaries and recreating the ideas and perspectives of female characters, How to Build A Girl delivers just that.

DUMMY: Learning to Love Yourself Has Never Been This Genuine
DUMMY: Learning To Love Yourself Has Never Been This Genuine

Cody Heller brings an inescapable vulnerability to her latest series Dummy, an honesty not typically seen in female driven stories.

Queerly Ever After #25: KEPT BOY (2017)
Queerly Ever After #25: KEPT BOY (2017)

Kept Boy is neither so bad it’s good, nor is it endearing. It’s just a dull movie populated by unlikable characters.

FAIRYTALE: Trans Comedy Blends 1950s America With A Search for Identity
FAIRYTALE: Trans Comedy Blends 1950s America With A Search for Identity

Fairytale is an interesting take on the story of a transgender woman’s transition, set against the backdrop of external threats of UFOs, communism and a picture-perfect 1950s setting.

DEERSKIN: Bizarre Comedy Blends Character Study & Grotesque Violence
DEERSKIN: Bizarre Comedy Blends Character Study & Grotesque Violence

Even if you admire Deerskin’s audacity, its sudden and puzzling conclusion leaves much to be desired.

BAD EDUCATION: A Captivating Look At Greed & Perception
BAD EDUCATION: A Captivating Look At Greed & Perception

Bad Education is not just a great true story account, but also an excellently crafted and complex one, complete with phenomenal performances.

FULLY REALIZED HUMANS: A Fairly Realized Take On Parenthood & Identity
FULLY REALIZED HUMANS: A Fairly Realized Take On Parenthood & Identity

Anchored by Joshua Leonard and Jess Weixler’s infectious chemistry and offbeat script, Fully Realized Humans inherits enough wit to make it a journey worth embarking on.

Queerly Ever After #24: STEAM ROOM STORIES: THE MOVIE! (2019)
Queerly Ever After #24: STEAM ROOM STORIES: THE MOVIE! (2019)

Steam Room Stories: The Movie! is good, dumb, fun. Sometimes, that’s just what you need.

Trolls World Tour: A Sufficiently Sugary Snack
TROLLS WORLD TOUR: A Sufficiently Sugary Snack

Trolls World Tour finds a few of the right notes to pluck from its candy-coated guitar that it’s less likely to induce a headache than most manic animated features.

WIVES OF THE SKIES: More Than Just A Sexy Uniform
WIVES OF THE SKIES: More Than Just A Sexy Uniform

Despite a short runtime, Wives of the Skies packs a mighty punch when it comes to examining gender stereotypes. Lee Jutton reviews.

BUTT BOY: A Pain In The Ass
BUTT BOY: A Pain In The Ass

Butt Boy premiered at Fantastic Fest, Austin’s other great film festival, where it was screened…

GRACE AND FRANKIE Season 6: Reaches Its Full Potential
GRACE AND FRANKIE Season 6: Reaches Its Full Potential

If you’ve ever been worried about your creaky joints, or whether your sex life will cease to exist after the menopause, Grace and Frankie will help to ease your mind.

EMMA: Gossip, Regal Mayhem & Love
EMMA: Gossip, Regal Mayhem & Love

Emma is able to seamlessly adapt the Jane Austen novel with all the nuance and pizzazz that it deserves.