I Used to Go Here is about far more than one could have hoped and imagined with a pleasant amount of consideration given to all its characters.
Spinster is a relatable journey from recently broken up single to content and confident, yet still single.
It is a fun zom-com, but if you aren’t desperately seeking out for a lighthearted zombie film, then it’s maybe not the first film you would come across.
Made in Italy is a fine film to cozy up to, as long as you can overlook the awkwardness and lack of narrative development it presents at times to audiences.
If there’s anyone who can turn something mundane into something magical, it’s director and writer…
Life is Easy stands apart in the comedy landscape because every important issue is handled with respect, while finding comedy that never demeans.
We take a look at three of South Korean filmmaker Hong Sang-soo’s films: Woman on the Beach, Hill of Freedom and Yourself and Yours.
Irresistible seems too afraid of being part of the noise to pull those kinds of punches, and that costs the film some urgency.
Can You Keep a Secret? is not the worst romantic comedy but its dull premise will fail to spark any real excitement from the genre’s fans.
Spy Intervention doesn’t give much in terms of laughs, but a few moments, give life to an otherwise dull film.
Despite a potentially fun premise, Elvis from Outer Space does not quite capture the B-movie joy it appears to be chasing.
Year of the Rabbit thrives in its beautiful blending of cinematography, music, and script that all come together to create an experience you do not want to miss.
Die Beautiful offers a refreshing and invigorating perspective on life and death; the culmination of human experience tucked in a casket.
If you are in the mood for a light, funny, horror-comedy – heavy on the comedy – Useless Humans is something special.
Fisherman’s Friends eagerly invites its audience in and provides a worthwhile and heartwarming story that will have you humming along.