
MADE IN HONG KONG: Youth In Revolt And Resignation
MADE IN HONG KONG: Youth In Revolt And Resignation

Fruit Chan’s Made in Hong Kong’s bleak tale of alienated youth should appeal to anyone who has ever felt the future slipping away from them.

HAPPIEST SEASON: Learning to Love Yourself This Holiday
HAPPIEST SEASON: Learning To Love Yourself This Holiday

Happiest Season is a holiday film that transcends a one size fits all, welcoming everyone home for the holidays.

BARBIE & KENDRA STORM AREA 51: Retro Remix of Sci Fi Cult Classics
BARBIE & KENDRA STORM AREA 51: Retro Remix of Sci-Fi Cult Classics

If you’re going to watch this one, you might as well marathon the series with some buddies online while imbibing the adult beverage of your choice.

THE CLIMB: Smart & Relentlessly Awkward Comedic Debut
THE CLIMB: Smart & Relentlessly Awkward Comedic Debut

The Climb is an exciting and robust debut from Michael Angelo Covino.

KOKO-DI KOKO-DA: A Nightmarish Vision Of Grief
KOKO-DI KOKO-DA: A Nightmarish Vision Of Grief

Despite this film’s boundless originality, one is left with more of a sense of respect for what was attempted than of enjoyment of what resulted.

Angelique Sabrina White And Jack Shulruff Explore The Hazards Of Advertising ROOMMATE WANTED
Angelique Sabrina White And Jack Shulruff Explore The Hazards Of Advertising ROOMMATE WANTED

Angelique Sabrina White and Jack Shulruff both spoke exclusively with Film Inquiry’s Jim Dixon about their latest film Roommate Wanted.

CHICK FIGHT: Fight Club In Mom Jeans
CHICK FIGHT: Fight Club In Mom Jeans

Chick Fight never takes advantage of the premise it was trying to flesh out, and loses any feminist credibility it could have had.

Tik Tok, Trump & Pandemic: A New Borat for a New America
Tik Tok, Trump & Pandemic: A New Borat for a New America

Borat 2 sheds portions of the subtlety seen in the first film in a necessary plea to fully understand the harm of our current administration.

"I Wanted To Show That Your Second Home Oftentimes Feels Like A Shitty Home." A Conversation With Cooper Raiff, Director, Writer, And Star Of SHITHOUSE
“I Wanted To Show That Your Second Home Oftentimes Feels Like A Shitty Home.” A Conversation With Cooper Raiff, Director, Writer, And Star Of SHITHOUSE

Reyzando Nawara had the opportunity to speak with Cooper Raiff about his movie Shithouse, the painful yet realistic part of the college experience, and more!

MAINSTREAM: Vapidly Denouncing Vapidity
MAINSTREAM: Vapidly Denouncing Vapidity

Mainstream hardly qualifies as a satisfactory, much less intelligent response to the media-saturated simulacra it lounges very comfortably within.

THE SIMPSONS Epic Treehouse of Horror Marathon

Stephanie Archer presents the best 13 episodes of the Treehouse of Horror series in this epic marathon from The Simpsons.

Indie Memphis Film Festival 2020: I BLAME SOCIETY
Indie Memphis Film Festival 2020: I BLAME SOCIETY

The originality of I Blame Society is an exquisite example of how quickly the thin line between reality and art can blur.

Ridgefield International Film Festival 2020: Comedy Shorts
Ridgefield International Film Festival 2020: Comedy Shorts

Stephanie Archer shares her comedy shorts coverage, with four reviews from the Ridgefield International Film Festival.

DEFINITION PLEASE: A Layered Depiction of Family, Freedom and Mental Illness
DEFINITION PLEASE: A Layered Depiction of Family, Freedom and Mental Illness

Definition Please allows viewers to transcend the boundaries of culture and see themselves in the characters and in their emotions.

ATTACK THE BLOCK Is Still An Irreverent Sci-Fi Movie With A Strong Moral Centre
ATTACK THE BLOCK Is Still An Irreverent Sci-Fi Movie With A Strong Moral Centre

Attack The Block from Joe Cornish remains a rare gem that challenges the audience just as much as it entertains.