While underdeveloped and sluggish in approach, Phil Sheerin’s The Winter Lake is a sedate, rustic thriller examining familial complexities.
As an action film, Chaos Walking works, it’s a fun popcorn flick, but It’s a pity most of these characters can’t stop talking.
Come True is a visually stunning and beautifully directed film, but its twisty plot sometimes goes too far.
While on the outside it seems like Memory Box tells a familiar story, it’s an introspective, affecting, and visually inventive film.
Though bloated at times, The Sinners is a deeply layered and nuanced film that finds as much strength in what is not discussed as in what is.
PG: Psycho Goreman may become a cult film favorite with its quotable lines, an imaginative cast of fantastical characters, and irreverent attitude.
Far from the best horror film, and far from the best slasher, there is something classically endearing about My Bloody Valentine.
Pieces of A Woman is remarkable – it’s either the final great film of 2020 or the first masterwork of 2021.
The story of Rudolph is a celebration of the outcasts, yes, but what makes it gay?
Suffice it to say, this is not a terrible film, but White Lie comes off as an underbaked drama with a paper-thin conclusion.
Celebrating its Blu-Ray, courtesy of Criterion, Crash remains one of Cronenberg’s most fascinating and daring cinematic provocations to date.
Fatman is an exhausting, vile, depressingly boring movie which might have been kinda funny as a skit or short.
As part of Melbourne’s annual Monster Fest, we got a look at one of the films in the lineup: Brandon Cronenberg’s Possessor.
Happiest Season is a holiday film that transcends a one size fits all, welcoming everyone home for the holidays.
The Twentieth Century proves that contemporary cinema still has an appetite for sweeping portions of unparalleled imagination and humor.