
THE MIDNIGHT MAN: A Surprisingly Delightful Horror Film That Just Might Get You
THE MIDNIGHT MAN: A Surprisingly Delightful Horror Film That Just Might Get You

While by no means without its faults, The Midnight Man, from director Travis Zariwny, is a good time horror film that fans of the genre will love.

BRAVEN: A Confident Action Debut
BRAVEN: A Confident Action Debut

The story of Braven may sound all-too-familiar, yet its wintry setting, inventive action sequences, and a strong presence by Jason Momoa and supporting cast help it to rise above many like-minded films.

DEVIL'S GATE: Admirable Pieces, But Short Of A Complete Picture
DEVIL’S GATE: Admirable Pieces, But Short Of A Complete Picture

Devil’s Gate frustratingly flirts with greatness- however, director Clay Staub’s genre mash-up is too uneven to sustain the entirety of its running time.

PERFECT BID: An Underwhelming Tale Of An Underwhelming Scandal
PERFECT BID: An Underwhelming Tale Of An Underwhelming Scandal

Perfect Bid doesn’t overstay its welcome, it’s warmly presented, and offers up some interesting behind-the-scenes insights into one of the world’s most famous game shows.

THE BREADWINNER: Beautiful, Inspiring, Important
THE BREADWINNER: Beautiful, Inspiring, Important

The Breadwinner’s captivating aesthetic, heroic protagonist, moments of levity and weighty themes aid in drawing in youngsters and teaching them about the hardships faced by their peers on the other side of the world.

ENTANGLEMENT: A Wholly Original, Expectation-Subverting Gem
ENTANGLEMENT: A Wholly Original, Expectation-Subverting Gem

With a story full of surprising twists and turns, a canvas of dazzling onscreen visuals, and a career-best performance from Middleditch, Entanglement succeeds on several tiers.

FEAR US WOMEN: Empowering, Sobering, & Entrancingly Spectacular
FEAR US WOMEN: Empowering, Sobering, & Entrancingly Spectacular

Fear Us Women takes us on a journey alongside the all-female Kurdish armed forces fighting ISIS, and it’s a gut-wrenching first-hand account.

SWEET VIRGINIA: A Gripping Thriller That Should Have Been Longer
SWEET VIRGINIA: A Gripping Thriller That Should Have Been Longer

Sweet Virginia is a gripping, atmospheric movie, with stellar acting and a characterful script who’s only fault is it is not long enough.

SUCK IT UP: Clichéd And Generic
SUCK IT UP: Clichéd And Generic

Suck It Up admirably attempts to tell a story with flawed women at its centre, yet sadly falls back on clichés and stereotypes at every turn.

GOON: LAST OF THE ENFORCERS: An Inside Hockey Sports Comedy
GOON: LAST OF THE ENFORCERS: An Inside Hockey Sports Comedy

Jay Baruchel steps behind the camera for cult sports comedy sequel Goon: Last Of The Enforcers, and forgets what makes the original special.

BLADE RUNNER 2049: The Sci-Fi Spectacle You've Always Dreamed of
BLADE RUNNER 2049: The Sci-Fi Spectacle You’ve Always Dreamed Of

Blade Runner 2049 is a blockbuster with brains, heart and an abundance of style, that will certainly reward repeat viewings.

THE APOLOGY: An Emotional, Gut-Wrenching Glimpse Into The Atrocities of War
THE APOLOGY: An Emotional, Gut-Wrenching Glimpse Into The Atrocities of War

The documentary The Apology tells the story of three Asian women whose lives have been turned upside down by the trauma of sexual slavery.

CARDINALS: Sin & Sorrow In Small-Town Canada
CARDINALS: Sin & Sorrow In Small-Town Canada (#TIFF)

Cardinals is a tense and subtly effective thriller set in small-town Canada, bolstered by strong performances and complex themes.

THE PASSION OF AUGUSTINE: Love, Loss & Female Solidarity
THE PASSION OF AUGUSTINE: Love, Loss & Female Solidarity

The Passion of Augustine offers glimpses into life before womanhood sets in and all the growing pains that come with this journey.

THE VOID: Discovering A Chilling New World
THE VOID: Discovering A Chilling New World

The Void can’t make its ideas fully blossom. Regardless, it always feels good to see filmmakers succeed in creating the work they wanted.