The story of Braven may sound all-too-familiar, yet its wintry setting, inventive action sequences, and a strong presence by Jason Momoa and supporting cast help it to rise above many like-minded films.
Devil’s Gate frustratingly flirts with greatness- however, director Clay Staub’s genre mash-up is too uneven to sustain the entirety of its running time.
Perfect Bid doesn’t overstay its welcome, it’s warmly presented, and offers up some interesting behind-the-scenes insights into one of the world’s most famous game shows.
The Breadwinner’s captivating aesthetic, heroic protagonist, moments of levity and weighty themes aid in drawing in youngsters and teaching them about the hardships faced by their peers on the other side of the world.
With a story full of surprising twists and turns, a canvas of dazzling onscreen visuals, and a career-best performance from Middleditch, Entanglement succeeds on several tiers.