Brooklyn Horror Film Festival

Brooklyn Horror Film Festival: THE RULE OF JENNY PEN
Brooklyn Horror Film Festival: THE RULE OF JENNY PEN

Jenny Pen is a cold-eyed excavation of one of the basest fears humanity possesses: That life, in all its triumphs, is a meaningless house of cards.

Brooklyn Horror Film Festival: EXORCISMO
Brooklyn Horror Film Festival: EXORCISMO

Like any good exploitation movie Exorcismo feels like a pleasant discovery for a genre buff, a treat from the back of the video store.  

Brooklyn Horror Film Festival: GENERATION TERROR

Generation Terror proves a refreshing revitalization of the nuances under all the blood and guts, as well as the guts themselves. 

Brooklyn Horror Film Festival 2022: SUMMONERS
Brooklyn Horror Film Festival 2022: SUMMONERS

Summoners, a new film by Terence Krey that premiered in October at the Brooklyn Horror Film Festival, is a tale of two witches reuniting.