
Biological Uncertainty In UPSTREAM COLOR
Biological Uncertainty In UPSTREAM COLOR

If you let yourself think about all the unknowns in the world, it can bring on a strange, existential panic, one that Upstream Color captures in a beautifully unnerving way.

Fantasy Science Pt. 21: Genetically Modified Animals In THE HUNGER GAMES & Real Life
Fantasy Science Pt. 21: Genetically Modified Animals In THE HUNGER GAMES & Real Life

In this part of Fantasy Science, we will focus on the reality of genetically modified animals in the context of The Hunger Games.

Fantasy Science Pt. 19: GATTACA, Genetic Engineering & CRISPR
Fantasy Science Pt. 19: GATTACA, Genetic Engineering & CRISPR

Today we are going to look at the biotech tool called CRISPR that may have the potential to bring the future depicted by Gattaca to life.

Chimps, Oscar Snubs & Favorite Films With Dr. Jane Goodall
“It Takes Me Right Back To Those Early Days; I’m Living It Again.” Chimps, Oscar Snubs & Favorite Films With Dr. Jane Goodall

Arlin Golden got to talk with the legendary Jane Goodall, discussing her amazing experiences with apes and her reaction to the recent documentary about her called Jane.