Best of Month

Another month’s gone by, one in which we published another great bunch of excellent articles! We reviewed a ton of movies, like Despite The Falling Snow, California High, Sing Street, Captain America and Jane Got A Gun. We recommended great Australian genre films, silent films, and women-directed horror films, and published about how we humans can fall in love with artificial intelligence, and how that’s portrayed in film.

November truly is the herald of winter (or summer, depending on where you are), and many of us are starting to get that serious holiday vibe, even if it’s just because you are constantly, and frankly, incessantly assaulted by Christmas music, movies and commercials. Yeah – vibes don’t always need to be positive, ha! Nonetheless, it’s a season of beautiful merriment, togetherness and familiality, and since the North Americas just celebrated Thanksgiving, I’d like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank everyone who supports Film Inquiry.

November has reared its head, and that means it’s starting to get seriously cold (or seriously hot, depending on where you are) outside. We hope everyone enjoyed Halloween – did you watch anything good to celebrate it, and who did you dress up as, if you did? October was a great month for Film Inquiry, we published nearly 70 great articles, and we announced that Maria Giese is joining us to keep the world up to date on the unfolding EEOC investigation, and report on Hollywood’s response to the action.