Last Rampage is a gripping crime thriller and a delight for true crime film fans that examines the strong influence and bonds within family.
Stronger is a resolute, powerful, and personal film that applies to the masses of the world, not just to Americans.
25 years later, director Penny Marshall’s A League Of Their Own remains that rare thing: a sports movie with female characters to look up to.
Home is an unapologetic look at the limited options available for Kosovo women and the oppression of its patriarchy.
The Big Sick is not another run-of-the-mill rom-com: it’s got heart, humor, a touching story, and a refreshing take of immigrant life.
Elliott Lester had juicy, absorbing material to work with. Unfortunately, he turns Aftermath into an underwhelming and empty endeavor.
Despite bringing to life some previously unseen perspectives on the holocaust, The Zookeeper’s Wife is far from faultless.
Based on the real-life case, Johnny Frank Garrett’s Last Word is unfortunately a waste of its material, with many overused horror tropes.
Between three men and a coterie of animals, Uncertain tells a richly rewarding story around the primal themes of death, birth and rebirth.
Gold features a flashy performance by Matthew McConaughey, yet the remainder of the film surrounding him fails to impress.
The Birth of a Nation is often relentlessly dark and bitter, and as a result is only partly a success at delivering its compelling message.
A Tale of Love and Darkness is a sincere and emotionally impactful viewing experience; a great directorial debut from Natalie Portman.
Though its feel-good sentiments are hard to resist, there are simply too many tonal and structural issues that hold LION back from greatness.
With an invigorating score and fantastic performances, Jackie is also a biopic that reflects on the current environment of celebrity culture.
What helps to distinguish Hacksaw Ridge is that, at its core, it is a film that attempts to combine the seemingly contradictory qualities of pacifism and the violence associated with patriotism.