Last Night in Soho immediately pulls you in with its colorful visuals and strong performances but it lacks the subtlety necessary to be truly impactful.
Despite a rather disappointing third act, Last Night in Soho still manages to be an engaging cinematic experience thanks to its impressive technical and performative entities.
In The New Mutants, five young mutants, just discovering their abilities while held in a secret facility against their will, fight to escape their past sins and save themselves.
Sadly, Playmobil The Movie merely serves as a reminder of how studios forcing a film around a product didn’t always make for the greatest of entertainment.
Glass may have been a film nineteen years in the making, but it feels superfluous and incredibly out of touch in a world littered with superhero films.
A ghost of the film it tries to summon, The Secret of Marrowbone is unable to pull everything together and its disparate elements fail to coalesce into anything approaching satisfying.
Watching Thoroughbreds, one is fully aware of the debt it owes to the similar films that came before it. But that doesn’t make it any less enjoyable to watch. Female friendship has never looked so deliciously dangerous.