Weathering with You, the latest film from Makoto Shinkai proves that he is one of the most delightfully unique voices working in the world of animation today.
Sadly, Playmobil The Movie merely serves as a reminder of how studios forcing a film around a product didn’t always make for the greatest of entertainment.
When looking at the two most recent of Pixar’s underwhelming sequels, both unquestionably fueled on the nostalgia of its now-grown paying audience, there’s only one clear winner in this fight.
Clement Tyler Obropta explores whether or not Scooby-Doo promotes racist messaging, and how it uses xenophobic thinking to power a praxis of politics for propelling the narrative.
Michel Ocelot has always been one to apply the breadth of his creativity towards an easy narrative, but only with Delili does it prove to be something of a barrier to what can be more fulfilling.