Whether elements in My Neighbor Totoro are imagined or real, the film explores family dynamics in a way that may be relatable to a number of individuals.
Whether you’re a fan of podcasts or adult animation, The Midnight Gospel offers a mind-bending experience to viewers that has not really been seen before.
The Wolf House uses stop-motion animation to render the world inside the titular house as an ever-evolving nightmare, and is completely immersive despite its freakiness.
As the final season of Clone Wars dipped further and further into the timeline of Revenge of the Sith, it was apparent that we were going to see Ahsoka have to face Order 66 on her own.
Trolls World Tour finds a few of the right notes to pluck from its candy-coated guitar that it’s less likely to induce a headache than most manic animated features.
Disney is brilliantly setting up The Clone Wars and The Mandalorian for the price of one and is creating the kind of connective thread that made the MCU films so successful.