Alexandre O. Philippe

London Film Festival 2021, Days 1-3: Superior Sequels And Deconstructing Documentaries
London Film Festival 2021, Days 1-3: Superior Sequels And Deconstructing Documentaries

In our first report from London FF 2021, Paddy Wilson and Faisal Al-Jadir review the films they saw including Memory Box, The Souvenir: Part II & more!

London Film Festival 2019, Days 3 - 5: Eye Catching Indies and Disappointing Awards Bait
London Film Festival 2019, Days 3 – 5: Eye Catching Indies & Disappointing Awards Bait

More reviews fresh from this year’s London Film Festival, including Hope Gap, Just Mercy and Exorcist documentary Leap of Faith.

MEMORY: THE ORIGINS OF ALIEN: A Cerebral Look Into the Depths of a Classic
MEMORY: THE ORIGINS OF ALIEN: A Cerebral Look Into The Depths Of A Classic

Comprised as it is primarily of archival footage and talking heads collectively geeking out, it could be easy to find Memory: The Origins of Alien overly dry.