Despite a strong first half, Old, the latest nightmare from M. Night Shyamalan, quickly falls apart in the second half.
Wine Country does what’s intended: there’s laughter, an abundance of touching moments, and an important contemplation on the bonds of friendships.
The Last Laugh tries its best to tell a sweet tale about growing old with dignity and never giving up on your true self.
Silver Skies shows us how full of love, passion, friendship and fun the lives of the elderly are, and how we can learn from this depiction.
Going in Style from Zach Braff is a forgettable film that stumbles through genres while seemingly wasting its timeless cast.
Wilson is as gleefully profane and heart-wrenchingly tragic film, that lives up to its creator’s legacy as a storyteller.
The right to die debate is treated with great dignity in Youth in Oregon, which is also buoyed by Frank Langella’s sensitive performance.