
CRAWL: A B-Movie With A Killer Bite
CRAWL: A B-Movie With A Killer Bite

Sometimes simple is all you need to make a fun movie, and with its quintessential man vs. nature thriller, we need more simple movies like Crawl.

THE LION KING: A Heartfelt Tribute to the Legacy of the Animated Classic
THE LION KING: A Heartfelt Tribute To The Legacy Of The Animated Classic

For those looking for a film that both acts as a tribute to its roots while never straying from the course it’s set off on, see The Lion King with an open mind.

EUPHORIA: A Muddled Philosophical Retreat
EUPHORIA: A Muddled Philosophical Retreat

Euphoria has something important to say and has good ideas in its grasp but can never look them in the eye.

IRON SKY: THE COMING RACE: Putting The “Hollow” In “Hollow Earth”
IRON SKY: THE COMING RACE: Putting The “Hollow” In “Hollow Earth”

Without the love and affection of its predecessor, nor does it have a sense of discipline or focus, Iron Sky: The Coming Race falls flat.

STRANGER THINGS SEASON 3: Strangely Familiar In All The Right Ways
STRANGER THINGS SEASON 3: Strangely Familiar In All The Right Ways

Season 3 of Stranger Things reminds us why we love this show, and it’s not just the nostalgia, it’s the characters.


Spider-Man: Far From Home has all the right stuff, tinkering with the superhero formula and reshaping what we’ve come to expect.

TOY STORY 4: The Best Toy Story Sequel Yet
TOY STORY 4: The Best Toy Story Sequel Yet

Toy Story 4 is the finest of the Toy Story sequels, and if it’s the start of a second trilogy, then we’ll follow it to infinity and beyond.

X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX: A False Force Of Destruction
X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX: A False Force Of Destruction

With audiences expectations through the roof, Dark Phoenix’s climatic conclusion is a forgettable blockbuster.

ALADDIN: Why Is Will Smith Here?
ALADDIN: Why Is Will Smith Here?

While Aladdin is a fairly harmless film, it adds very little to the original and seems like just another cash grab from Disney.

Tribeca 2019: Interview With Actor Astro From SEE YOU YESTERDAY
Tribeca 2019: Interview With Actor Astro From SEE YOU YESTERDAY

Check out our interview from Tribeca with multi-talented rapper and actor Astro about his performance in the new time-travel film See You Yesterday.

Tribeca 2019: Interview With Stefon Bristol Director of SEE YOU YESTERDAY
Tribeca 2019: Interview With SEE YOU YESTERDAY Director Stefon Bristol

Stephanie was able to speak with Stefon Bristol at Tribeca, the director of the upcoming sci-fi time travel film See You Yesterday.

THE SHADE SHEPHERD: Chris Faulisi’s 1980’s Thriller Follows The Nostalgic Herd

The Shade Shepherd is a thumping and garish character venture, made to look and feel alluring, yet ends up inheriting an artistic drive, low on fuel and brisk in speed.

OKKO’S INN: A Youthful & Endearing Look At Grief
OKKO’S INN: A Youthful & Endearing Look At Grief

Like Miyazaki, Kosaika focuses on growth as a result of loss and ties it with the spiritual and fantasy world in Okko’s Inn.

UGLYDOLLS: Muddled Message In Bland Animation

Where Toy Story found something deeply moving in a tale of toys, UglyDolls comes crashing down with all the moral engagement of a 1980s animated PSA.

MISSING LINK: Laika’s Lastest Feature Aims To Stun – And Succeeds

Sweet, charming, and beautifully unique, Laika’s latest film Missing Link deserves only the highest praise.