Waiting for The Light to Change is a snapshot of Gen-Zers and the anxieties of the times.
And while nothing expressed here is groundbreaking, Futura is nonetheless a perfect, thoughtful time capsule of the age we’re currently in.
A story of heartbreak bandaged up by rebellion, System Crasher will wrench your heart out of your chest and stomp all over it.
Mirroring the problematic characters it depicts, Big Mouth is a bit of a disjointed mess, hilarious at times and problematic at others.
Dusty & Me is a greyhound leap ahead of similar films that have come before but as dog tales go it can’t quite keep the company of classic animal epics – it’s not quite that memorable.
The Coming-of-Age film typically follows the story of confused, lonely and lost teens searching for their own identity as they weave their way through adolescence. In this Beginner’s Guide, we look back at some of the best examples of teen self discovery.
Horror films sometimes contain themes that focus on the primal fears of growing up; here are some prime examples of how they have done so.